Visit of DESY and DMLab

May 6: visit by Hugo Zusslin (Attaché pour la Science et la Technologie French Embassy Berlin), Orane Belguerras (French Embassy Berlin) and Jihane Maalmi, Dominique Breton (IJCLab Orsay) with a rich program on electronics, plasma physics, detectors and testbeam facilities as well as short exchange with the Research Director of DESY.

Press Releases DMLab

June 13, 2023: The press releases announcing the creation of DMLab have been published by the CNRS, DESY, KIT, GSI and the MPP of the MPI: CNRS: Press Release DESY: KIT: GSI: MPP:

Second Annual Meeting

The second annual meeting of DMLab will take place at DESY dec 12 to dec 13. For more information please consult:

Scientific Kickoff DMLab

The scientific kickoff for DMLab took place on Dec 9 to Dec 10 with more than 70 registered participants on ZOOM. Presentations of the ongoing projects were complemented by ideas for new projects and discussions.