May 6: visit by Hugo Zusslin (Attaché pour la Science et la Technologie French Embassy Berlin), Orane Belguerras (French Embassy Berlin) and Jihane Maalmi, Dominique Breton (IJCLab Orsay) with a rich program on electronics, plasma physics, detectors and testbeam facilities as well as short exchange with the Research Director of DESY.
Category: Non classé
Press Releases DMLab
June 13, 2023: The press releases announcing the creation of DMLab have been published by the CNRS, DESY, KIT, GSI and the MPP of the MPI: CNRS: Press Release DESY: KIT: GSI: MPP:
Second Annual Meeting
The second annual meeting of DMLab will take place at DESY dec 12 to dec 13. For more information please consult:
Scientific Kickoff DMLab
The scientific kickoff for DMLab took place on Dec 9 to Dec 10 with more than 70 registered participants on ZOOM. Presentations of the ongoing projects were complemented by ideas for new projects and discussions.
Welcome to DMLab
Thomas and Dirk are happy to announce the online presence of DMLab!